Post by since86 on Jan 18, 2012 8:06:19 GMT -5
"Since86, ya mean shaking doors? been there, dothat!" Exactly what I mean...never did that. I think my class was the last to walk footposts....I did it 3 times-twice on days and once on the 4x12, and the carman had to pick me up at 2000hrs because the contract said so!!!
Post by ncpdretired on Jan 18, 2012 10:06:12 GMT -5
Picked up 'cause the contract said so? If you had a "wimpie" car man who was afraid of getting "burnt" ( a blue one) if he got caught picking you up, you walked the nite away or you hid in your car parked off some side street.Every once in a while when there was a bad rain storm and snow storm, a Desk Officer with balls told the cars to double up, but you were still responsible for the glass on your post at the end of your tour. I was lucky 'cause I had a Booth on my post and if a ball breaking Sgt. or Lt would stop in and feel your "Tin" to see if it was cold when you told him you just came in to pee. Just out of the Army during the Korean war, I was use to them playing "grab ass" with you.To me. the job seemed to get better later in the "60's when the PBA started to become a more vocal, voting organization. You guys have to stand your ground, don't get divided by the ass holes on County Seat Drive.
Post by mrwizard on Jan 18, 2012 15:31:20 GMT -5
When I first went on the job my assigned foot post was a paper post in Bayville. It was basically a beach parking lot, a Motel (unfriendly to Cops) and a bunch of seasonal businesses. It was intended to provide Police presence at the beach in the summer. I walked that post one night on a 4x12 in January in four inches of snow. I spent eight hours walking back and forth between the two callboxes. It was just me and the Seagulls. There wasn't even a place to get coffee. I never saw the car man but I did get seven scratches. I got them from an Inspector, a Captain, a Lt and four Sgts. They were tracking me by my footprints in the snow. I came within a hair of turning in my tin that night. I swear that if I didn't have a wife and kid I would have. After a few years things got better and I got a transfer to a foot post in East Norwich. That one covered the intersection of Rtes 106 and 25a but at least it had a gas station that was open until 8PM. I walked that post on the midnights. It was like walking a foot post on the LIE. Ah yes, the Good Old Days.